
Path of Prayer

The path of prayer, as its a
journey of meeting the Lord,
or any Godhead while in a
talk, from a small talk
to a very serious relationship.

Each prayer builds trust,
even without a reason or visible result.

As the path, is from feelings,
thoughts, plans, and fantasies.

As all subjects are worthy for
a prayer. and the godhead
shows his mercy, by the grace
of the prayer as an invitation
for his force.

A the first prayer opens the door
to the radiance and light of the Lord.

As when you step on the path in your
youth, you might even be without
much broken intentions or evil wishes.

When someone turns to religion
in the early youth, with the vow,
is a worthy instrument.

The Lord as soon as someone reach him
creates their life to a new one.
by which society is blessed, with many
things which were not predicted
by any science.

The path of prayer, as adressing a
godhead, is the path with equal
worth in all religions.

As the path of prayer,
walks from home to heaven.

As the path of prayer,
is a chance which can bestow
many blessings on you, as
wealth, health can be one of them.

As prayer is a communication
which is from day to day
and is between the adept and the Lord
its sometimes hidden for others,
as its a personal and almost intimate

As the path of prayer grants
the adept the blessings,
and grows by prayer at each moment.

As even the Lord can grant the
personal relationship as a lifepartner
as the adept is not needing or getting
a relationship with female or male anymore.
As a godhead is stable and his promise
is not bound by the changing will of any man.

As a relationship with the lord is
not in the city hall, and the
symbol of the existence is not
bound by official rituals,
as he proofs in a personal relation.

As when an adept is in true love
to the Lord or Godhead,
he does not hesitate to even ask
a life-ordeal or to pray grave subjects.

As when one steps on the path of prayer,
the one does not need to pay for it,
neither by money, neither by penance.
For prayer is an instrument of the Lord
to support us when we need things
and have wishes and want to
fullfill them in a just way.