
Hymn on Atlantis

They had the sciences as we read in
science fuction novels.

As energy free and without any deficit
as the whole planet, no wires,
no electricity power plants.

They had sciences not depending
on electricity but this clean
green energy.

As they had the full planet of Atlantis
they got to know some other planets
and wished for the crusade to the far place

As the method for energy on
earth was at goodfashion,
they wished for an method
to reach out those far planets

as they invented the method,
and tried to activate it.

As the clean energy to pull
the far place without any

They suddenly got attention
of those far planets and even beyond
they as it was called dark energy,
from a dark energy sphere

thye suddenly were being under siege
of a strange enemy.
at first thye held their lines
but as this enemy came to earth,
and Atlantis was loosing.

As the dark energy was the cause
of this war, they on earth still
had the place were they tried to
give this energy as the purpos
to reach out to the far pace,
but if they wanted to close this dark
energy line there was a chance that
the plant would implode and make earth
for small or large into a damaged surface.

So they had the decision to either of
these causes,
but yet the enemy sieged the Atlantia
civilisation, and there was still an
island left. as even this island
lost the war.

As the enemy saw that on earth there
was not anymore a civilisatiojn
they left earth and the ice age
might have been the next phase
in history.

This Atlantis civilisation
they had sciences above normal level
above our imagination,
but yet dark energy invited an enemy.

Was their science still in the range
of being sciences possible,
in the universe or anywhere with
a society.

This Atlantis civilisation.
As a story of old inspiration.